Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Back to childhood

Childhood was definitely a happy and carefree time in my life. Everything seemed so easy then. No worries and almost no duties... I remember that I used to spend a lot of time on the playground with my friends. One of my favorite games was hopscotch.

When the weather was bad, my younger sister and I used to come up with different ideas... We built a doll-house from a cartoon box or pretended to be hairdressers, which ended up with almost all of our dolls being bald...

This is the picture of me at the age of 3 in which I'm holding my favorite teddy bear.

And in the photo below you can see me and my sister. I was about 7 at that time.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It’s time to save the World

If I were to become a Time Lord, I would move back to the 14th century in England to try to prevent one of the most terrible pandemics that decimated the world’s population - the Black Death. First, I would contact Albert Smith, a young doctor who is struggling to convince the authorities that the Plague is not the sign of God’s wrath but an illness that can be cured. Thanks to my miracle working screwdriver I would be able to analyze the blood samples of the ill people and identify a strain of bacteria responsible for causing the illness. After many sleepless nights, the doctor and I would also develop a simple and widely available antidote for the illness: a mixture of  herbs.

Once we would know how the “Black Death” can be cured, I would accidentally discover the way the disease spreads. One day I would notice Albert’s dog being bitten by a rat. When after a few days the dog would start to display the symptoms of the disease, it would dawn on me that these are the rats that spread the bacteria. The doctor and I present our findings to the authorities they would not believe us at first. But then we would save the governor’s daughter who came down with the plague.
The authorities would put a lot of effort into killing off the rats and generally improving the hygiene standards. Gradually the disease would be eradicated. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

There are so many things that I am passionate about that it would be difficult to describe them all in here. However, what first comes to my mind when I think of something I am strongly attracted to is music. In fact, music  has been an integral part of my life for  as long as I can remember. Every now and then a song that really catches my attention appears. Then, I often tend to listen to that song over and over again until I’m totally bored with it. However, there are some bands or singers whose songs will always be on my mp3 player.

One of such bands is Coldplay. To be honest, I don’t remember exactly how I first came across their song. But I do remember that it was  my friend from junior high school who borrowed me Coldplay’s first  two albums:  Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head.(it’s seems so hard to believe that a 10 years back you could not listen to your favorite music on youtube or download mp3s from the internet).  What so special about their songs? I think it is the lyrics, melody, the vocal all complement each other. Also, to me these songs are packed with different kinds of emotions so that I can always choose something that will correspond to my mood. As regards the band, I really admire the great contact with audience they have during live shows. I hope that I will have a chance to take part in their concert soon.
Here you have some of my favorite songs at random order:

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Learning Second Language

According to the article in The Observer, fewer and fewer British students are learning second language. You may argue that, in fact, they don't need second language since it is English that everybody uses as an international language. Still, I don't think that removing second language from the "core curriculum" is such a good idea.

Learning other languages makes people more opent and tolerant towards different cultures. When you go abroad and use the language that is used in a particular country, you show respect for the poeple who live there. When a person goes to Britain, he/she is expected to use English. Thus, shouldn't a British person who goes to France have at least a basic knowledge of French?

In Poland we are aware that knowing one foreign language is often not enough to get our dream job. Whether we like or not, we learn not only English  but also other languages to increase our chances of getting a good job. For some  young British people who may later decide to work abroad the knowledge of second language may also be crucial.

I know that some pepole consider learning foreign languages as a waste of time. However, others may say the same about maths, biology or history, and yet no one would ever consider removing these subjects from the curriculum. The reasons for learning these subjects are not more important than the reasons for learning second language.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. I'm Justyna and I'm going to write this blog for some time as this is one of my IT assignments. I will share some information about my life, interests and so on. Enjoy ;)