Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It’s time to save the World

If I were to become a Time Lord, I would move back to the 14th century in England to try to prevent one of the most terrible pandemics that decimated the world’s population - the Black Death. First, I would contact Albert Smith, a young doctor who is struggling to convince the authorities that the Plague is not the sign of God’s wrath but an illness that can be cured. Thanks to my miracle working screwdriver I would be able to analyze the blood samples of the ill people and identify a strain of bacteria responsible for causing the illness. After many sleepless nights, the doctor and I would also develop a simple and widely available antidote for the illness: a mixture of  herbs.

Once we would know how the “Black Death” can be cured, I would accidentally discover the way the disease spreads. One day I would notice Albert’s dog being bitten by a rat. When after a few days the dog would start to display the symptoms of the disease, it would dawn on me that these are the rats that spread the bacteria. The doctor and I present our findings to the authorities they would not believe us at first. But then we would save the governor’s daughter who came down with the plague.
The authorities would put a lot of effort into killing off the rats and generally improving the hygiene standards. Gradually the disease would be eradicated.